Weyerhaeuser to modernize Natchitoches mill

NATCHITOCHES, La. — Gov. John Bel Edwards and Natchitoches Mill Manager Jason Smith of Weyerhaeuser announced the company will make a $16.1 million capital investment in its Natchitoches mill. The project will provide major equipment upgrades at the site, including...

Ontario College Virtual Fair

This year’s fair is virtual! We are excited to deliver a fully interactive, online experience. Create your own avatar and navigate the virtual event, speaking with college faculty and staff. Everything you need to learn about college in one place! November 4th...

Lumber prices continue to freefall

Forest2Market — Last week, southern yellow pine (SYP) lumber prices continued a precipitous drop for the fifth week in a row, marking the single largest weekly change—in both dollars and as a percentage—of 2020. Forest2Market’s composite SYP lumber price for the...