This will be our 40th convention and the first to go virtual. Our virtual attendees will be able to conference from home just as so many of us are learning to work and do so many other things from home. It will be fun. Honest.

Our hard-pressed planning committee plans to run a program similar to what we would do normally, except minus all the parts about people being in the same room, and meeting face to face, and talking in the hall, and being someplace different for a few days, and, oh well…

Tuesday, February 9th – Training Day (tentative)

We are working on offering virtual training seminars as a prelude to the conference program. Depending on what kind of sessions can work in this medium we will announce the offerings soon.

Wednesday, February 10th – Workplace Safety Day

You can tune in on this day for interactive plenary sessions and presentations. We are lining up speakers and presenters on the following themes and projects:

  • Outline of BC SAFE Forestry Program for 2021
  • COVID-19: What did we learn this year? What can we expect next?
  • Workplace Harassment and Violence Prevention: Creating trust on crews, Northern Society of Domestic Peace training video
  • Danger Trees and Forestry: Report and recommendations from the danger tree steering committee
  • Emergency Response Planning: Making the case to WKSFBC on the value of HEMS, TEAAM update and insurance plan
  • As well as: Lyme Disease, Total Physio, Mental Health, silviculture supervisor training and others.

All sessions will provide generous breaks to prevent staring-at-the-screen-too-long-syndrome (SATSTLS—pronounced satstls).

Thursday, February 11th – Forest Policy and Workshop Day

We are lining up speakers from across the continent and BC to talk about the big picture and policy, and the practice that goes with it. All presenters TBA

  • Natural Disasters and Forestry: We are lining up a panel to examine the social consequences of natural disasters, particularly wildfire, and what role forestry might play in mitigating them.
  • Federal Support for COVID-19 and the 2-billion Tree Promise
  • Workshops:
    • Cyber security and small businesses
    • How to write and implement an employee code of conduct
    • Alternative fibres, plastics, and reforestation
    • COVID-19 safety and the 2021 wildfire season

Friday, February 12th – Strategic Sessions including:

  • Introducing BC’s new Forests Minister
  • Forecasting reforestation services demand outlook
  • Reporting from the 2021 Labour Market Information Project
  • And so on…
  • WFCA Members’ AGM 

 We appreciate your patience as we tighten up the program and confirm our presenters. Please stay tuned for more details.


From $75.00 to $175.00

Click HERE to register

Already registered? Log In to access the event

Wednesday Only – Safety Day
This ticket is for people who are non-managerial but are interested in participating in the Wednesday Safety Day sessions. This ticket only grants access to Wednesday’s proceedings.$75.00 Early Bird Member Ticket
Discounted ticket rate for members purchasing full-access ticket before January 15, 2021$150.00 Early Bird Non Member Ticket
Discounted ticket rate for non-members purchasing full-access tickets prior to January 15th, 2021.$175.00

Hosted by

Western Forestry Contractors’ Association