JDI thanks the hundreds of NB private wood producers and woodlot owners who made the 2016- 2017 operating year a record breaking season. JDI mills bought over 860,000 cubic meters of wood, worth over $40 million, from NB private woodlots. This volume is roughly 23,000 tractor trailer loads of wood and is significantly higher than our previous all-time record of 685,000 cubic meters.
Thanks to your support we were able to add jobs and shifts at our sawmills in Chipman, Sussex, and St. Leonard.
Over the past 6 years JDI has worked with hundreds of private wood producers and woodlot owners to more than double our purchase volume. Because of this, wood from privately owned land represents 53% of the wood supply for JDI’s NB mills.
“JDI appreciates the partnerships we have made with private wood producers and woodlot owners. Successful partnerships made the record breaking year happen,” said Brent Thompson, Director of Wood Procurement for J.D. Irving, Limited. “Our 260% increase in NB private wood purchases over the last 7 years is the result of working directly with individual private woodlot owners and wood producers and developing win-win solutions together.”
We value the partnerships we have formed with private wood producers and woodlot owners. Private wood is an essential supply for our mills, our employees, and our customers. We will continue to work hard to secure a sustainable future for our businesses and our private wood partners.