The Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs is holding a hearing in Thunder Bay on
Wednesday, January 20, 2016 regarding Pre-Budget Consultations.
The Ontario Forest Industries Association (OFIA) looks forward to presenting to the Standing Committee
and explaining how action in seven key areas can support a full recovery of Ontario’s renewable resource,
create good paying jobs and strengthen our province’s foundational economy.
OFIA’s President, Jamie Lim stated, “We hope 2016 will be the year that focuses on the sectors that are the
backbone of Ontario’s foundational economy. Sectors that create high paying jobs in Northern and Rural
Ontario such as Ontario’s renewable forest products industry that supports 170,000 direct and indirect
jobs in over 260 communities.”
For generations OFIA’s member companies have been growing local economies by harvesting and
growing trees. The Forest sector has been putting Ontario’s wood to work responsibly.
Explaining the sector’s economic contribution, she commented “As a pillar in Ontario’s foundational
economy, by sustainably harvesting less than one percent of Ontario’s renewable resource our sector
generated a domestic economic impact of 10.6 billion dollars, total wages and salaries of 1.95 billion
dollars, and 3.89 billion dollars in domestic exports.”
The OFIA submission outlines how Ontario can grow an economy and practice sustainability at the same
time, how the world wants wood and how forestry can be Ontario’s greatest renewable opportunity.
Lim concluded, “With long-term reliable access to affordable wood and confident customers, our forest
products sector will continue to be the cornerstone of Ontario’s foundational economy supporting
hardworking families, communities and First Nations and together, growing a stronger greener Ontario.