The Forest Products Association of Canada (FPAC) and other forest groups around the world welcome the official signing of the United Nations agreement on climate change that was reached late last year in Paris. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is among world leaders in New York for the signing ceremony.
The global forest products industry has a highly significant role to play in Canada achieving its targets outlined in this deal, says Derek Nighbor, CEO of FPAC. “Canada’s forest products companies have made it clear that we intend to step up to the plate and help in the transition to a low-carbon economy here in Canada and elsewhere around the world,” he says.
“The global forest products industry has made significant strides in reducing its carbon footprint, stocking carbon and generating greenhouse gas removals—all helping to mitigate climate change,” said the President of the International Council of Forest and Paper Associations, Elizabeth de Carvalhaes of the Brazilian Tree Industry.
The renewable forest sector can contribute to climate change goals in many ways, including sustainable forest management, investing in clean technologies with low-carbon emissions and developing bio-based products to displace goods traditionally made from fossil fuel.
The forest industry’s role in mitigating climate change was highlighted in a report commissioned by the ICFPA International Climate Change report. Canada’s Climate Forum has also released an independent report that shows how the forest industry can be part of the solution to climate change.
FPAC will be soon by releasing its plan to show how it intends to help Canada reach its ambitious climate change targets as outlined in the agreement signed in New York.
FPAC provides a voice for Canada’s wood, pulp, and paper producers nationally and internationally in government, trade, and environmental affairs. The $65-billion-a-year forest products industry represents 2% of Canada’s GDP and is one of Canada’s largest employers operating in hundreds of communities and providing 230,000 direct jobs across the country.