The Working Forest encourages you to find out more about Fleming College Forestry Programs. Here’s what they have to say:
“As a highly respected and well-known center of excellence in Forestry education, we have a first-rate reputation for producing competent, adaptable, and skilled technicians for a variety of organizations.
Employers recognize that our students’ training is hands-on and holistic, preparing them to respond to the quickly changing conditions faced in industry.
Our programs include
- Forestry Technician – Adaptive Practices Co-op (Ontario College Diploma),
- Arboriculture Co-op (Ontario College Certificate),
- Forestry Techniques (Ontario College Certificate),
- and Forestry Equipment Operator (Ontario College Certificate).
“The hands-on skills learned through field trips, labs and field camps were foundational in understanding day-to-day expectations within the forestry industry. Throughout my time at Fleming, I felt comfortable with the welcoming community created by staff and faculty in the program. Instructors made efforts in getting to know me as an individual, which helped build confidence when learning new skills.”
– Meg Quigley, Graduate, Forestry Technician

For more information:
About Fleming College
Fleming College is a leading educator in the forestry sector. For more than five decades industry leaders have tapped into Fleming’s forestry graduates for new hiring opportunities, due to Fleming’s reputation for producing competent and skilled graduates. Fleming’s “boots-on-the-ground” approach to its Forestry programs ensures graduates are well-prepared to succeed in rewarding careers.
Fleming College respectfully acknowledges that we are situated on Michi Saagiig Anishinaabeg lands and territory. Located in the heart of Central Ontario, Fleming College has campus locations in Peterborough, Lindsay, Cobourg and Haliburton.
Named for famous Canadian inventor and engineer Sir Sandford Fleming, the college features more than 100 full-time programs in Arts and Heritage, Business, Environmental and Natural Resource Sciences, General Arts and Sciences, Health and Wellness, Justice and Community Development, Skilled Trades and Technology, and Continuing Education.

Fleming College has more than 6,800 full-time and 10,000 part-time students, and 80,000 alumni.