The impact of the COVID-19 virus has required FEA to change its 10th annual Global Log & Lumber Conference from a physical conference to a Virtual Conference. The program can be viewed HERE .
With all the uncertainty in global markets, a timely sharing of current industry and market information from around the world will even more important than ever. The “Virtual Conference” will feature pre-recorded presentations that are distributed to delegates in advance, followed by live Question, Answer and Discussion Sessions over Zoom with a wide variety of participants, including extra speakers and panellists. The key benefit for participants will be to receive current updates on industry and market conditions from all regions of the world.
The Virtual Conference will feature presentations & a live Q & A on the following topics:
- Global Trends: Economics, Timber, Lumber – currently & after COVID-19
- Europe & Russia: Timber & Lumber Trends
- Pacific Rim – China, Japan, New Zealand, Australia
- International Regions: ME-NA, South America, India
- North America: Timber, Lumber, Economics
- North America: Extended Q & A Panel Session
- EWP, Mass Timber, Off-Site Construction
- Plus special guests in Q & A sessions
Registered delegates will be able to access advanced recordings of speaker presentations as well as the slides on Monday, June 15. On Thursday, June 18, a live Q & A session will be held throughout the day with all speakers and invited panellists so that questions from the delegates can be asked – both in writing, as well as in live formats. We will also record the question and answer sessions for those that cannot be available to listen in live, or where the time zones are not convenient for this.
To view the new program and to register for the conference, click HERE.