by Working Forest | Sep 8, 2020 | Archives
Prince George has taken several steps to protect against the threat and homeowners can get ahead of the spruce beetle by taking action before the beetles take flight again next spring. “People are so upset, it’s like they’re talking about their...
by Working Forest | Sep 7, 2020 | Archives
STOCKHOLM, PRNewswire/Wood Resources International LLC — The log market in Germany has been extremely volatile in the first half of 2020, with high demand from the export market and a tight supply of fresh green logs. When the Coronavirus Epidemic forced...
by Working Forest | Sep 7, 2020 | Archives
WIRED — SINCE 1980, The University of Tennessee’s Forensic Anthropology Center has plumbed the depths of the most macabre of sciences: the decomposition of human bodies. Known colloquially as the Body Farm, here scientists examine how donated cadavers decay,...
by Working Forest | Sep 4, 2020 | Archives
By Ivan Garcia, SRS Science Communications Intern, and Jennifer Moore Myers, SRS Science Communications • SRS.FS.USDA — The USDA Forest Service Southern Research Station and the North Carolina State University College of Natural Resources recently signed an...
by Working Forest | Sep 4, 2020 | Archives
BC Government News — With warm temperatures persisting in many regions of the province and the potential for new ignitions still high in some areas, the BC Wildfire Service urges British Columbians to stay alert and use fire safely over the Labour day weekend....
by Working Forest | Sep 4, 2020 | Archives
KENORA, Ontario Government — The Ontario government is investing $330,280 to help laid-off forestry workers in Kenora get the training and supports they need to quickly rejoin the workforce. A new action centre has opened in Kenora to provide services and...