BC — Canfor has announced, in accordance with Toronto Stock Exchange requirements, the voting results from its Annual General Meeting held Thursday, April 23, 2020, in Vancouver British Columbia.
A total of 105,551,802 common shares were voted at the meeting representing 84.29% of the votes attached to all outstanding shares. Shareholders voted in favour of all items of business before the meeting, including the election of all director nominees as follows:
Director Votes For Percentage of Votes For Conrad A. Pinette 103,701,463 98.25% Glen D. Clark 99,618,634 94.38% Ross S. Smith 102,889,417 97.48% William W. Stinson 100,397,050 95.12% Barbara Hislop 105,415,551 99.87% Dieter Jentsch 105,400,046 99.86% Dianne L. Watts 103,826,442 98.37% Ryan Barrington-Foote 97,299,046 92.18% John R. Baird 103,750,968 98.29% M. Dallas H. Ross 98,554,579 93.37% Anders Ohlner 105,453,569 99.91% Donald B. Kayne 103,395,340 97.96%
Detailed voting results for the meeting are available on SEDAR at www.sedar.com. The above figures are based on proxies voted for and percentage of votes for at the meeting.