KEMPTVILLE, Ontario, The Eastern Ontario Model Forest (EOMF) is proud to announce that it is expanding sustainable forestry on private lands by encouraging its members to certify to the SFI Indigenous Peoples and Families Module.
The EOMF Certification Program, administered by the Ontario Woodlot Association (OWA), celebrated 20 years of certification in 2023 and is pleased to now offer the SFI module to its members. SFI Certification will complement the EOMF’s existing Forest Stewardship Council (FSC®) Certificate (FSC C018800), which it is committed to maintaining.
“SFI certification is a rigorous forest certification program that offers value-added services to certified forests,” says Glen Provost, Program Manager, EOMF. “Retaining both SFI and FSC certifications will help us grow the EOMF certification program beyond our current 74,000 hectares of certified forest.”
SFI is a non-profit leader working to advance sustainability with forest-focused collaboration through four pillars of work: standards, conservation, community, and education. SFI certified forests represent more than 119 million hectares in Canada.
Forest certification ensures the conservation of forests and the flow of benefits from the forest to local communities. Through forest certification, forest managers are recognized for their commitment to implementing active forest management, while enhancing the environmental, social, and economic benefits from the forest.
“We are thrilled that the EOMF and their closely aligned partner the OWA have taken such initiative and that our organizations have been able to collaborate to promote sustainable forest management, recognizing the importance of landowners and forest managers,” said Gregor Macintosh, SFI’s Senior Director of Standards. “By providing education, outreach, and certification programs, OWA and SFI empower these key stakeholders to implement practices that balance the ecological, social, and economic dimensions of forestry.”
Executive Director of the EOMF and OWA, John Pineau, said: “I am proud of the certification program and all its achievements over the past 20 years. Adding SFI Certification is a logical next step.” He added, “The SFI community is strong and welcoming and will support our certified forests as we grow together.”
Certification provides a framework for forest managers to achieve sustainable forest management that is internationally recognized. The EOMF Certification Program brings together a committed family of private woodlot owners, community forests, and commercial forests to share the costs and benefits of forest certification and raise the bar for forest management on private lands in Ontario.
To learn more about joining the Group Certification program please visit the EOMF website or contact Glen Prevost, Program Coordinator at 705-358-7913 or